
NEW! We have added a curated selection of artist designs and all time favorites we’ve designed at Tee Public. Inexpensive, easy to order and totally cool. Click here to visit The North End shop.

A portion of the sale of swag will be donated and support the upkeep of the website and activities.  Your support is appreciated. For more about ordering and returns limitations, click here.  We have tested the garments and there are a few things we want to make sure you know about before ordering:

* To allow for shrinkage purchase a size up if you’re like me and between sizes.
* The Printify printing process creates a vinegar odor so wash the garment at least once prior to wearing. * Please allow 7 – 10 days for order processing and delivery.

Check back for more as we give this a try!  Thanks.

Showing 1–4 of 12 results